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Privacy and Cookie policy

Wampum / Privacy and Cookie policy

This information describes how the personal data of users consulting the FEGI S.r.l. websites is managed and processed. This information, provided in compliance with art.13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003 (Personal data Protection Law), is only for this website owned by FEGI S.r.l. and not for any other websites consulted by the user through links over which the aforementioned company has no control whatsoever.

Owner of the processing

Unless otherwise stated, every time this document will mention the “Owner of the processing” or “the Owner” the reference will be to: Social reason: FEGI MANIFATTURE srl Fiscal Code and VAT number: 00684270671 Economic and Administrative Index number: Teramo n°88803 Legal head office: Largo Brodolini – 64015 Nereto (TE) – IT Phone: +39.0861.80621 Email: privacy@fegi.it

Where and how processing takes place

Personal data connected to web services is processed both automatically and otherwise and only for the time strictly needed to fulfil the purpose it was collected for. The Process Controller has drawn up specific security measures to prevent loss of data, it being used illegally or incorrectly and unauthorised access.

How data is collected and used

Navigation Data. This information is recorded automatically by the server. For example, it enters the IP address, its iteration with the website, browser requests, request time, web server answer status and other parameters concerning the user’s operating system and computer environment. Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects, however it might allow user identification per se after being processed and matched with data held by third parties. User communication. The user may supply personal data by email or other kinds of electronic communication. This data, including communication content, is kept and managed to process and satisfy the user’s requests.

Providing data is optional

Except for navigation data and data processing required to fullfil legal obligations, the user is free to supply personal data or not when requested to do so in specific website sections. However, not providing said data could make it impossible to obtain what was requested.

Processing modalities

Processing is done by mean of some tools, automated by owners. No diffusion or communication are implemented.

Cookie Policy

The present document, pursuant to articles 13 and 22 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy code”) and according to what was stated in the General Measure of the Privacy Guarantor of the 8th may 2014, FEGI MANIFATTURE srl, owner of the processing, provides the User of this website some information related to the cookies they are using.

What cookies are

A “cookie” is a little string of text sent to the User’s device when he/she accesses a website, with the aim of gathering and moving information. Cookies are sent from a web server to the User’s browser and memorized on his/her computer; they are therefore re-transmitted to the website on the User’s next visit. During the browsing, users might receive cookies on their terminals, sent from different websites (s.c. “third-party cookies”), set directly from the managers of those websites and used for and in accordance with the modalities prescribed by each of them.

Types of cookies used in this website

Owner’s cookies

This website only uses technical cookies, which do not require any consent from the person concerned.

Cookie Name Purpose Expiration
pll_language set the pages’s language based in browser language 1 anno

Processing modalities

Processing is done by mean of some tools, automated by owners. No diffusion or communication are implemented.

Provision of data

With the exception of the technical cookies that are necessary to normal browsing, the provision of data depends on the person concerned, who may decide to browse on the site after reading the short disclosure statement in the appropriate banner and may use services that include installation of cookies.

Disabling cookies

Abiding to what was indicated above regarding those cookies that are strictly necessary to browsing, the User can eliminate the other cookies directly through his/her own browser. Each browser presents different procedures for information management. The user can obtain specific instructions through the following links:

The deactivation of third-party cookies is also possible through the modality made available from the very third society owning data handling, as indicated in the links of the paragraph “Third-party cookies”. For Flash cookies you can change your settings by visiting the following link: flash cookies settings. To have more information on the cookies stored on one’s terminal and deactivate them singularly, please see the link: Your online choice.

Right of the concerned person

The person concerned can enforce the rights covered by art. 7 of LD no. 196 of the 30th of June 2003 (textually reported below), by addressing the Owner of the treatment by e-mail.

  1. The person concerned has the right to obtain a confirmation of the existence of his/her own personal data, even when they are not yet registered, and of any communication made of them in intelligible form.
  2. The person concerned has the right to obtain an indication about:
    • a) the origin of the personal data;
    • b) the aims and modality of the treatment;
    • c) the applied logics in case of treatment made with the help of electronic tools;
    • d) the identification details of the Owner, of the people in charge and of the designated representative under art. 5, par. 2;
    • e)the subjects or the categories of subjects to whom personal data could be communicated or those who might become acquainted with them as designated representatives in the State territory, or as people in charge.
  3. The person concerned has the right to obtain:
    • a) any update, rectification or, when there is a specific interest, the integration of data;
    • b) any removal, any transformation made in anonymous form, or any block of data treated against the law, including those data for which it is not necessary to be conserved, according to the aim with which they were originally collected and treated;
    • c) a statement that the operations under letters a) and b) have been brought to attention, also with regard to their content, to any recipients of the communication or diffusion of data, with the exception of the case in which this is impossible, or requires the use of means that are disproportionate to the right being protected.
  4. The person concerned has the right to fully or partially oppose:
    • a) for legitimate reasons to the treatment of his/her personal data, even when pertinent to the collection purpose;
    • b)the treatment of his/her personal data for advertising materials or direct sales, or market surveys, or commercial communication.